Sunday, November 22, 2009

Disney's A Christmas Carol 3D

Directed by Robert Zemeckis
"Starring" Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, and Robin Wright Penn

SYNOPSIS: Yet another iteration of Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol. This time Robert "Motion Capture" Zemeckis has tried to bring the classic story to life.

THE GOOD: I will preface this by saying I don't like Robert Zemeckis, at least not anymore. Yes he directed Forrest Gump, but his recent foray into the world of 3D has left me confused and also frightened. Very, very frightened. Basically he uses motion capture technology to digitally animate actual actors and then puts them in 3D. I find this ridiculous. Why not just shoot real actors in a real environment. Not to mention that his visualizations end up looking profoundly creepy resulting in double takes of the "Is it Colin Firth or not?" variety. Beowulf is a prime example of this-he didn't even bother changing their appearance! It's just Angelina Jolie glowing with a tail! And when the lute came out I was just...done. Okay rant over.

This has a lot going against it. Namely that studios have just beaten this tale into the ground. However, Zemeckis does some cool things with his cinematography, stuff that obviously would not be possible in the real world. It is also a decidedly darker version of the tale. If you've ever read the story it's dark. Dickens was a moralist and all of his books have a certain slant. Most of the time it isn't pleasant and certainly not kid-friendly. So Zemeckis has made it dark, but with many funny moments, although I might have been scared if I was a kid. What I liked most was his portrayal of the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. It was very well done, although his scene didn't really make any sense to me. I won't spoil it for you, but it was definitely new and really cool looking. The 3D really does add a nice visual component as opposed to some movies who rely only on the novelty to entrance viewers Zemeckis really uses the technology to tell the story and immerse the viewer (run-on sentence I know).

THE BAD: Well the ubiquitous of the story is definitely a negative. Zemeckis doesn't really do anything new with the story, although he adds a great visual element that is definitely new. I don't want to belabor this point, but the people in the movie are not people. There is something decidedly off about them. Maybe it's because he was trying to change existing actor's anatomy, but everyone looks a little weird and I was generally frightened. Especially when they're my favorite actors. I just can't help wondering why Zemeckis wants to use real actors for his facial characteristics. The technology is so good that he could create entirely new people, so why make Gary Oldman look like some sort of mutant hobbit? I just don't know.

Although I liked the faithfulness of the dialogue it just doesn't translate to a modern audience. Using 19th century dialogue while telling a story in 2009 is a hard thing to pull off and Zemeckis doesn't quite succeed. Coupled with the fact that often Jim Carrey is barely intelligible and I could see how audiences might get lost.

THE VERDICT: I'm really torn on this one. I know my being creeped out by the characters is something that maybe only I feel. But I can't help but feel that this just isn't worth seeing. Yes the 3D was cool, but I don't really see any other strong points other than the visuals. And even those visuals CREEPED ME OUT. Did I say this enough? I was creeped out. So I would say wait for it on DVD...maybe...unless you really like 3D....but don't pay extra.......yeah.

I give it 2 out of 5 stars*

Note: I re-read this post and it's riddled with contradictions. Is it scary? Yes sometimes, but it's also funny. Did I like it? I honestly don't know-I'm befuddled by it so take this review as is I guess.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nightmare Before Christmas

Editing is hard gang! But I have slaved away on my poorly shot iPhone movie and edited down to the part with Nightmare Before Christmas stuff. It has a soundtrack and everything! Credits to Fall Out Boy-I hope I won't have to take this down...I think it counts as Fair Use? Anyway here it is for you viewing pleasure! More videos soon...I have have a whopping ten whole minutes of footage!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Leave That No Account Oogie Boogie Out of This!

The Tim Burton Exhibit at MoMA featuring original content and films by the master himself! Through April 26th, 2010

Well dear readers, I have some content for you at last!! My awesome cousin Hallie got me tickets for the preview of the Tim Burton exhibit at MoMA. It was packed and awesome!!! I went with my friend Brittan and took a lot of video which I will edit and post on the site sometime this weekend. There were models from Corpse Bride and The Nightmare Before Christmas, original sketches, notes to directors and modelers (even one to Johnny Depp about a line in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!). There was a model of Oogie Boogie that glowed in the dark. Original shorts and commercials. Free drinks and more! I highly recommend you go see it if you're in New York. It's open until April of next year!
Also free drinks! And weird breadstick thingies! MoMA will also be showing all of his films over the coming months, which kicked off with Pee-Wee's Big Adventure on Wednesday. A nice guard let us in near the end of the movie even though we didn't have a ticket. We heard he was introducing the film and thought we might catch him, but sadly he must have snuck out...Pee-Wee was as good as I remember it though!
So an Awesome Night followed by an all-nighter to finish a long paper! But fun was had and I don't regret it!! Anyways video forthcoming!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

No News is Good News, Right?

Hello readers, all 5 of you! I know I've been MIA this past...well...month, but school is hard. I don't get that many opportunities to see movies anymore. In fact I haven't seen any new movies in weeks. If you don't count me watching the Corpse Bride repeatedly on Netflix. So once the break comes I know I will have reviews for you! Keep obsessively checking my site for new content, it makes me happy to see my numbers go up (Thank You Google Analytics!)!