Tuesday, December 8, 2009

What is the Haps?

Hey dudesters! Sorry I've been MIA, and yes I did just write the word dudesters. I'm cool right? Anyway same blah blah blah about being a grad student and papers, and projects, and my heroin addiction*, and smiling at Liev Schreiber. I was actually able to cobble together a post for you, but I promise I have more forthcoming this week! The semester is winding down and I'm finishing things up which gives me more time to devote to this blog...that 5 people read. I do it all for you.

So a preview of coming events: Reviews for The Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Blindside. I may throw in some DVD picks of the week and maybe, if you're good, a retro movie of the week too. See I'm capable of maintaining a blog of some sort on a nearly regular bi-monthly/annual basis!

-your partial, prejudiced, and ignorant film student

*Mom-I am not actually addicted to heroin.